The Wisdom of Mother Earth
Learn to be Mad
To Be Howling Wild
To Be the Earth Mothers Child &
To Walk With the Elements Around You
The Cunning Craft
Celtic Earth Spirit covers all aspects of the Cunning Craft. The practices & culture of the folk healers & wise folk (collectively known as the Cunning Folk); the folk-beliefs & folk-medicine of our ancestors of the British archipelago; the original Britons.
Cunning: the skill to achieve or make things in a clever way, especially for a particular purpose. The original sense was ‘possessing erudition or skill’ – from Middle English cunne, an obsolete variant of can (Oxford Languages)
Our Ancestors were Animists who saw that everthing in the natural world was connected. They understood that everything is an intrinsic part of the whole.
Regular visitors & customers will know that Celtic Earth Spirit used to stock herbs, resins & other supplies for making your own herbal medicinal, skin-care products, incenses, dyes and much more.
Although we no longer stock products you can still get all of your supplies from our friends over at The Herbal Apothecary.
With the same high standards and ethics as Celtic Earth Spirit, you are guaranteed a quality product.
Animism – Shamanism
Animists are people who recognise that the world is full of persons, only some of whom are human, and that life is always lived in relationship to others.
Animism is lived out in various ways that are all about learning to act respectfully (carefully and constructively) towards and among other persons.
Graham Harvey